What We Do


Building the right thing–beautifully—right from the start. Over ten years of experience in user experience design has taught us many things: Clear blueprints, detailed prototypes, and complete user journeys reduce the friction in developing your software. Ultimately, user experience design equals lower costs, realistic expectations, and happier experiences. And let’s face it, the earlier you see your beautifully designed product, the better.
full service team

Discover & define

Our work starts by diving in the deep end of your requirements and working together to understand your needs. We'll collaborate to define your user stories and craft creative solutions for your customers to fall in love with. We include architects in conversations from day one so every stakeholder clearly understands the technologies involved.


Collaboration is the key to happy outcomes on all sides. At Tech9, we create wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes at every stage to test hypotheses and create engaging solutions that will satisfy you and your customers.


We use the industry's top UX design tools to hand off high-fidelity prototypes and design files that clarify functionality and purpose to the development team. This handoff reduces confusion and lets engineers hit the ground running on your project.

A note on beauty & design

From idea to prototype to final product, every step of the design process requires precise techniques that our designers excel at. This allows us to translate your needs into beautiful, engaging, easy-to-use, and fully functional designs.

Benefits of user experience design services

UX design is a massive cheat code for companies to understand what is important to users and how to meet those needs best. Following proven processes, companies can save tens of thousands of dollars by prioritizing UX before writing code. Knowing the UX is professionally done will ensure that products are relevant, well-built, and ready to help customers.

Working with Tech9 Experts

Tech9 experts make user experience design outsourcing easy. We prioritize client communication and will always keep a channel open, updating you along the way. Tech9 is a software company that hears and understands our clients. Our updated client reports ensure you always walk away happy.

Our Other Services

Tech9 Teams

A completely outsourced development team to create custom solutions
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Custom Software

Custom software developed to your exact needs, no matter the industry or scope
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Staff Augmentation

Extra time, talent, and expertise for when you need it and for however long you need it.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is User Experience So Important?

Today’s customers expect a lot from the brands they support, which is why user experience design services are so crucial to the success of any company. UX aims to fulfill the user’s needs and, in turn, produce loyal, happy customers.

What Is Considered User Experience?

User experience refers to the entire process a consumer goes through when interacting with a brand, from the initial introduction to the point of becoming a loyal customer. This includes engineering of the product, marketing, interface design, and more.

What Is the Difference Between Usability and User Experience?

Usability refers to the ease of using a product or system. Websites or products with outstanding usability are intuitive, easy to learn, efficient, and pleasant to use. In contrast, user experience refers to the much broader customer journey, including the graphic design of marketing materials, website experience, etc.